Open lecture by Kirill Larin, Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Houston and leading scientist in the field of Biophotonics

Kirill Larin is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Director of Biomedical Optics Laboratory at the University of Houston (USA). His research interests include the development of methods of structural and functional imaging of tissues and organs and biosensing of proteins (based on nanooptics). American scientist came to Orel as part of of Orel State University SPIE Student Chapter activities (based on Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics), opened in the framework of one of the strategic projects of Flagship University. The topic of the open lecture was "Structural and Functional Imaging of Tissues with Optical Coherence Tomography/Elastography".

"The lecture is devoted to technologies that allow studying and visualizing the pathology of embryos development by optical methods, as well as the study of biomechanics of various tissues, from the cornea of the eye to the brain. We will definitely touch upon fundamental medicine and try to do it without complex formulas," – Professor Kirill Larin began.

During the lecture, the American scientist spoke about the development of new methods for non-invasive structural and functional visualization of tissue and organ development and monitoring of various biological processes. These are the main focus areas of work of Kirill Larin’s laboratory team. The scientist also presented several research projects of his laboratory on the development and application of optical coherence tomography, optical projection tomography, microscopy methods for visualization of embryonic development of mammals and quantitative assessment of the biomechanical properties of the cornea, brain tissue, heart and foci of dangerous tumors.

The open lecture was attended not only by members of SPIE Student Chapter, but also by interested teachers and students of various areas of training, as well as representatives of one of the main medical collaborators of the strategic project of the University - Orel Regional Clinical Hospital.

"Our meeting today is the closest acquaintance. We will certainly discuss with Andrey Dunaev and his team how we will continue to develop – perhaps, there will be joint ideas and projects. The scientific and technical base of the University laboratories, which I have seen, is at a very good level. And most importantly – there is everything necessary for serious scientific research", – summed up Kirill Larin.

Orel State University SPIE Student Chapter and Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics are planning to invite famous scientists to Orel State University in the future. The positive effect of such open lectures is obvious – it is important as not only students are enriched with new knowledge, but such meetings stimulate research activities among students.