V. Dremin, E. Zherebtsov, V. Sidorov, A. Krupatkin, I. Makovik, A. Zherebtsova, E. Zharkikh, E. Potapova, A. Dunaev, A. Doronin, A. Bykov, I. Rafailov, K. Litvinova, S. Sokolovski, E. Rafailov Multimodal optical measurement for study of lower limb tissue viability in patients with diabetesmellitus // Journal of Biomedical Optics, 22(8), 085003, 2017.
Stelmashchuk O., Zherebtsov E., Zherebtsova A., Kuznetsova E., Vinokurov A., Dunaev A., Mamoshin A., Snimshchikova I., Borsukov A., Bykov A., Meglinski I. Noninvasive control of the transport function of fluorescent coloured liposomal nanoparticles // Laser Physics Letters, 14, 2017, 065603.
Kozlov I.O., Zherebtsov E.A., Zherebtsova A.I., Dremin V.V., Dunaev A.V. Investigation of Doppler spectra of laser radiation scattered inside hand skin during occlusion test, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2017, 929:012063.
M.A. Filina, E.V. Potapova, I.N. Makovik, E.V. Zharkih, V.V. Dremin, E.A. Zherebtsov, A.V. Dunaev, V.V. Sidorov, A.I. Krupatkin, E.A. Alimicheva, G.I. Masalygina, V.F. Muradyan Functional Changes in Blood Microcirculation in the Skin of the Foot during Heating Tests in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus, Human Physiology, 2017, 43(6):693–699
Potapova E.V., Dremin V.V., Zherebtsov E.A., Makovik I.N., Zharkikh E.V., Dunaev A.V., Pilipenko O.V., Sidorov V.V., Krupatkin A.I. A Complex Approach to Noninvasive Estimation of Microcirculatory Tissue Impairments in Feet of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus using Spectroscopy, Optics and Spectroscopy, 2017, 123(6):955–964
Litvinova K.S., Rafailov I.E., Dunaev A.V., Sokolovski S.G., Rafailov E.U. Non-invasive biomedical research and diagnostics enabled by innovative compact lasers, Progress in Quantum Electronics, 2017, 56:1-14
Zharkikh E.V., Dremin V.V., Filina M.A., Makovik I.N., Potapova E.V., Zherebtsov E.A., Zherebtsova A.I., Dunaev A.V. Application of optical non-invasive methods to diagnose the state of the lower limb tissues in patients with diabetes mellitus, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2017, 929:012069
Mizeva I.A., Makovik I.N., Dunaev A.V., Krupatkin A.I., Meglinski I. Analysis of skin blood microflow oscillations in patients with rheumatic diseases, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2017, 22(7):070501
Zherebtsova A. I., Zherebtsov E. A., Dunaev A. V., Podmasteryev K. V., Koskin A. V., Pilipenko O. V. A Method and a Device for Diagnostics of the Functional State of Peripheral Vessels of the Upper Limbs, Biomedical Engineering, 2017, 51(1):46–51
Makovik I.N., Dunaev A.V., Dremin V.V., Krupatkin A.I., Sidorov V.V., Khakhicheva L.S., Muradyan V.F., Pilipenko O.V., Rafailov I.E., Litvinova K.S. Detection of angiospastic disorders in the microcirculatory bed using laser diagnostics technologies, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 2017, 11(1):1750016
Zherebtsov E.A., Zherebtsova A.I., Doronin A., Dunaev A.V., Podmasteryev K.V., Bykov A., Meglinski I. Combined use of laser Doppler flowmetry and skin thermometry for functional diagnostics of intradermal finger vessels, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2017, 22(4):040502
Potapova E.V., Dremin V.V., Zherebtsov E.A., Makovik I.N., Zherebtsova A.I., Dunaev A.V., Podmasteryev K.V., Sidorov V.V., Krupatkin A.I., Khakhicheva L.S., Muradyan V.F. Evaluation of Microcirculatory Disturbances in Patients with Rheumatic Diseases by the Method of Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy, Human Physiology, 2017, 43(2):222-228
V. Dremin, E. Zherebtsov, A. Dunaev, N. Margaryants, M. Volkov, E. Zhukova, E. Rafailov Assessment of tissue ischemia of nail fold precapillary zones using a fluorescence capillaroscopy // Proc. SPIE 10412, 2017, 104120W
Zherebtsov E., Bykov A., Popov A., Doronin A., Meglinski I. Impact of blood volume changes within the human skin on the diffuse reflectance measurements in visible and NIR spectral ranges // Proc. SPIE 10063, 2017, 1006312
Zherebtsov E.A., Kandurova K.Y., Seryogina E.S., Kozlov I.O., Dremin V.V., Zherebtsova A.I., Dunaev A.V., Meglinski I. The influence of local pressure on evaluation parameters of skin blood perfusion and fluorescence // Proc. SPIE 10336, 2017, 1033608
Stelmashchuk O., Zherebtsov E., Zherebtsova A, Kuznetsova E.,Vinokurov A., Dunaev A., Snimshchikova I., Mamoshin A., Borsukov A., Bykov A., Meglinski I. Non-invasive control of influence of polyethylene glycol on transport function of fluorescent colored liposomal nanoparticles // Proc. SPIE 10336, 2017, 1033604
Volkov M.V., Kostrova D.A., Margaryants N.B., Gurov I.P., Erofeev N.P., Dremin V.V., Zharkikh E.V., Zherebtsov E.A., Kozlov I.O., Dunaev A.V. Evaluation of blood microcirculation parameters by combined use of the laser Doppler flowmetry and the video capillaroscopy methods, Proc. SPIE 10336, 2017, 1033607
Dremin V.V., Zherebtsov E.A., Makovik I.N., Kozlov I.O., Sidorov V.V., Krupatkin A.I., Dunaev A.V., Rafailov I.E., Litvinova K.S., Sokolovski S.G., Rafailov E.U. Laser Doppler flowmetry in blood and lymph monitoring, technical aspects and analysis, Proc. SPIE 10063, 2017, 1006303
K. Kandurova, V. Dremin, E. Zherebtsov, A. Alyanov, A. Mamoshin, A. Dunaev Application and possibilities of fluorescence spectroscopy method for intraoperative analysis of abdominal cavity organs tissues during minimally invasive interventions // Young scientist Chinese-Russian Optics & Photonics Symposium (Novemer 26 - December 06, 2017), St. Petersburg, Russia
E. Zharkikh, V. Dremin, E. Zherebtsov, E. Potapova, A. Dunaev Laser Doppler flowmetry and spectroscopy methods in assessment of microvascular and metabolic complications in diabetes // Young scientist Chinese-Russian Optics & Photonics Symposium (Novemer 26 - December 06, 2017), St. Petersburg, Russia
O. Stelmashchuk, E. Seregina, G. Piavchenko, E. Vorobyev, E. Kuzntetsova, A. Alekseev, E. Zherebtsov, A. Dunaev Assessment of the influence of different concentrations of zinc on the brain biochemical processes in rat model // Young scientist Chinese-Russian Optics & Photonics Symposium (Novemer 26 - December 06, 2017), St. Petersburg, Russia
V. Dremin, I. Makovik, E. Zharkikh, E. Potapova, A. Dunaev The possibilities of optical non-invasive diagnostics for studying microcirculation disorders in tissues in patients with diabetes mellitus // IV Summer School "Photonics Meets Biology", 2017 (September 19-22), Tarragona, Spain
O. Stelmashchuk, E. Seregina, G. Piavchenko, E. Vorobyev, E. Kuzntetsova Use of fluorescence spectroscopy for assessment of brain metabolism parameters in the rat model // IV Summer School "Photonics Meets Biology", 2017 (September 19-22), Tarragona, Spain
Stelmashchuk O.A., Seryogina E.S., Tarakanchikova Ya., Piavchenko G., Zherebtsov E.A., Dunaev A.V., Meglinski I. Noninvasive control of distribution of rhodamine-loaded capsules in vivo // Saratov Fall Meeting 2017 – Symposium: Optics and Biophotonics – V (September 26-29, 2017), Saratov, Russia
V. Dremin, E. Zherebtsov, A. Dunaev, A. Popov, A. Bykov, I. Meglinski Analytical model to describe fluorescence spectra of human skin // Summer school on optics & photonics 2017 - Book of abstract (June 1-3), Oulu, Finland
K. Kandurova, V. Dremin, A. Alyanov, A. Mamoshin, A. Dunaev Possibilities of application of fluorescence spectroscopy in minimally invasive surgery for analysis of abdominal cavity organs parhological processes // Summer school on optics & photonics 2017 - Book of abstract (June 1-3), Oulu, Finland
E. Seryogina, O. Stelmashchuk, G. Piavchenko Fluorescence spectroscopy usage possibilities for the laboratory rats metabolism evaluation // Summer school on optics & photonics 2017 - Book of abstract (June 1-3), Oulu, Finland
O. Stelmashchuk, E. Seryogina, G. Piavchenko, E. Zherebtsov, Y. Tarakanchikova, A. Dunaev, A. Popov Imaging of rhodamine-loaded capsules distribution in vivo by fluorescence spectroscopy // Summer school on optics & photonics 2017 - Book of abstract (June 1-3), Oulu, Finland
Kozlov I.O., Volkov M.V., Gurov I.P., Margaryants N.B., Potemkin A.V., Zherebtsov E.A., Dremin V.V., Dunaev A.V. Simultaneous assessment of blood flow rhythmic oscillation by using of laser Doppler flowmetry and videocapillaroscopy methods, Young scientist Chinese-Russian Optics & Photonics Symposium (Novemer 26 - December 06, 2017), St Petersburg, Russia
Kozlov I.O., Volkov M.V., Gurov I.P., Margaryants N.B., Potemkin A.V., Zherebtsov E.A., Dremin V.V., Dunaev A.V. Сombined use of laser Doppler flowmetry and videocapillaroscopic methods for simultaneous assessment of rhythmic oscillations in blood microcirculation, Saratov Fall Meeting 2017 – Symposium: Optics and Biophotonics – V (September 26-29, 2017), Saratov, Russia
I. Kozlov, V. Dremin, E. Zherebtsov, A. Zherebtsova Possibilities of Doppler spectrum analysis of laser radiation received from hand skin during functional tests // Summer school on optics & photonics 2017 - Book of abstract (June 1-3), Oulu, Finland