E. A. Zherebtsov, S.V.Popov, R.G. Guseinov, V.V. Shupletsov, K.Y. Kandurova, V.V. Perepelitsa, I.N. Orlov, A.S. Katunin, E.V. Potapova, A.V. Mamoshin, A.V. Dunaev Fluorescence lifetime measurements for kidney ischemia monitoring in minimally invasive surgery, 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), 2022, pp. 1-1, doi: 10.1109/ICLO54117.2022.98400
Potapova E.V, Zherebtsov E.A, Dremin V.V, Kandurova K.Y, Shupletsov V.V, Mamoshin A.V, Dunaev A.V Optical percutaneous needle biopsy to differentiate liver cancer from normal parenchyma, 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), 2022, pp. 01-01, doi: 10.1109/ICLO54117.2022.9
E.O. Bryanskaya, V.V. Dremin, I.N. Novikova, Yu.O. Nikolaeva, V.G. Pil'nikov, A.V. Bakotina, A.Y.Ovchinnikov, D.N. Panchenkov, A.V. Baranov, V.G. Artyushenko, A.V. Dunaev Digital diaphanoscopy data processing for differentiation of maxillary sinus pathologies, 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), 2022, pp. 1-1, doi: 10.1109/ICLO54117.2022.9839976.
A.V. Dunaev, E.V. Zharkikh, Y.I. Loktionova, A.A. Fedorovich, V.V. Sidorov, A.V. Vasin, A.A. Misurkin,V.I. Dubinin Application of wearable multimodal devices to study microcirculatory-tissue systems under microgravity conditions, 2022 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), 2022, pp. 1-1,doi: 10.1109/ICLO54117.2022.9839922.
Irina N. Novikova, Mikhail V. Volkov, Lyubov V. Eratova, Denis I. Myalitsin,Viktor V. Dremin, "Direct optical generation of singlet oxygen in the regulation of vascular tone," Proc. SPIE 12147, Tissue Optics and Photonics II, 121470O (19 May 2022); doi: 10.1117/12.2621491
Evgenii Zherebtsov, Andrian Mamoshin, Valery Shupletsov, Elena Potapova, Ksenia Kandurova, Viktor Dremin, Andrey Dunaev, "Optical needle biopsy for multimodal detection of the malignant liver tumours," Proc. SPIE 12147, Tissue Optics and Photonics II, 121470J (19 May 2022); doi:10.1117/12.2622376
Ksenia Kandurova, Nadezhda Golubova, Vadim Prizemin, Dmitry Sumin, Nikita Adamenkov, Vladimir Shabalin, Andrian Mamoshin, Elena Potapova,"The application of the multimodal approach for studying optical properties of bile in obstructive jaundice," Proc. SPIE 12147, Tissue Optics and PhotonicsII, 121470N (19 May 2022); doi: 10.1117/12.2621289
E.V. Zharkikh, Y.I. Loktionova, V.V. Dremin, K.V. Podmasteryev, V.V. Sidorov, E.U. Rafailov, A.V. Dunaev, Comparison of wearable and bedside laser Doppler flowmetry and fluorescence spectroscopy monitors // Proc. SPIE 12192, 2022, 121920J
Y.I. Loktionova, E.V. Zharkikh, M.A. Mikhailova, A.I. Korolev, V.A. Dadaeva, A.Yu. Gorshkov, O.T. Kim, A.V. Dunaev, A.A. Fedorovich, E.A. Zherebtsov, Detection of masked hypertension based on laser Doppler flowmeter measurements // Proc. SPIE 12192, 2022, 121920V
E. O. Bryanskaya, I. N. Novikova, V. V. Dremin, Yu. O. Nikolaeva, V. G.Pil'nikov, A. V. Bakotina, A. Y. Ovchinnikov, D. N. Panchenkov, A. V. Baranov,V. G. Artyushenko, A. V. Dunaev, Digital diaphanoscopy in the diagnosis of maxillary sinus diseases for patients with different anatomical and gender features// Proc. SPIE 12192, 2022, 121920A
Viktor Dremin, Irina Novikova, Edik Rafailov, In silico study of thermal field distribution in cell culture media irradiated with wavelengths of singlet oxygen generation // Proc. SPIE 12192, 2022, 121920R
Andrey Dunaev, Methodology of microcirculatory-tssue systems multimodal optical diagnostics // Proc. SPIE 12192, 2022, 121920T
Valery Shupletsov, Margarita Mikenkina, Evgeny Zherebtsov, Viktor Dremin,Alexander Bykov, Elena Potapova, Andrey Dunaev, Igor Meglinski, Low-cost fabrication of PPIX liquid phantoms for use in fluorescence measurements // Proc. SPIE 12192, 2022, 121920U
Igor Kozlov, Dmitriy Serov, Evgeniya Seryogina, Maxim Astashev, Arina Tankanag, Kirill Chaprov, Ekaterina Lysikova, Natalia Ninkina, Evgeniy Zherebtsov, Andrey Dunaev, Oscillation processes in synuclein-KO mouse skin microcirculation: a pilot study // Proc. SPIE 12192, 2022, 121920W
Alexey V. Kornaev, Viktor V. Dremin, Elena P. Kornaeva, Mikhail V. Volkov, Application of deep convolutional and long short-term memory neural networks to red blood cells motion detection and velocity approximation // Proc. SPIE 12194, 2022, 121940C
Ivan N. Stebakov, Elena P. Kornaeva, Elena V. Potapova, Viktor V. Dremin, Application of shallow and deep convolutional neural networks to recognize the average flow rate of physiological fluids in a capillary // Proc. SPIE 12192, 2022, 121940D
S.V. Popov, R.G. Guseinov, V.V. Shupletsov, I.N. Orlov, A.S. Katunin, E.V. Potapova, A.V. Mamoshin, A.V. Dunaev, E.A. Zherebtsov, A0014 - Intraoperative monitoring of tissue ischemia by fluorescence lifetime optical probe for laparoscopic urological surgery,
European Urology, Volume 81, Supplement 1, 2022,Page S18